
Our Vision: Creating a masterpiece bonsai garden for the public

How to Give to the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt

There are many ways to help sustain the efforts of the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt (BGLM). You know how important it is to house and keep these legacy trees for the public to view. Each takes soil, fertilizers, pots, water, space and constant care. We are a volunteer organization that manages our gifts carefully to keep the Garden a living testimate to the art of bonsai. Donors are invited to become members of our Enduring Tree Program or the Redwood Grove Program. The Enduring Tree Program helps to sustain the Garden’s day-to-day operations from year to year. The Redwood Grove Program is unique group of legacy donors.

Enduring Tree Program

All donors will receive our quarterly newsletter and updates on Garden projects and events for the year. Those joining us at higher levels will be entitled to special events held at the Garden.

  • $35 ……………………………….. Sprite
  • $75 ……………………………….. Sitting Buddha
  • $150 ……………………………… Medusa
  • $300 ……………………………… Silverback
  • $500 ……………………………… Pacific King
  • $1,000+ ………………………… Burlingame Legacy

Special events may include one of the following at the $300 level and above: An evening gathering in the Garden with live entertainment and refreshments • An evening tour with the Garden Director • Special wine and cheese evening with Curator Kathy Shaner where she will critique trees in the Garden.

Please make your check payable to “GSBF Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt” with “Enduring Tree Program” on the memo line and mail to Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt, .

Learn how you can give to the BGLM with: Gifts of Cash, Gifts of Securities, Bequests, Living Trusts, Gifts of Retirement Plans, Gifts of Real Estate, Gifts of Insurance, and Gifts of Bonsai and Bonsai related Material by picking up a copy of our bequest flier at the garden.

You can help ensure that the Mas Pine continues to thrive for the next generation of bonsai enthusiast.

You can help ensure that the Mas Pine continues to thrive for the next generation of bonsai enthusiast.