Bonsai School at Lake Merritt Q&A

Below are some answers to questions about the Bonsai School at Lake Merritt that you may find very helpful. These questions were submitted by one of our applicants. If you have additional questions or want more information about the School, please email us at or just respond to this post.

1)     Thank you for offering the classes on weekends.Please confirm that the frequency of classes will be one per month in Oakland at the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt on Saturdays? Continue reading

Birthday Wish from the Bonsai Garden

Joe Byrd Chairman Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt

Joe Byrd
 BGLM Chairman

Birthdays always make me reflect on my life. Today I am remembering my first day as a docent at the Garden back when it first opened. I was apprehensive about driving into Oakland from my home in Monterey and did not particularly enjoy standing around the Garden not really knowing what I was expected to do.

Fast forward to last Saturday afternoon. Meanwhile I had moved to Oakland to be near my one and only granddaughter and retired to run the BGLM. Although I had been volunteering at the Garden every Friday for over a year, and filled in as a docent in emergencies, I had never really considered myself a docent. Continue reading

Changes in the Garden

028smA foggy morning in the garden provides some great scenes of the trees. This view down on the garden shows the new shade trellises. These new improvements will cool down the garden and improve the health of the trees.