BGLM Annual Report

I delivered the following report to the GSBF Board meeting in Fresno last weekend. I hope you will find it informative about your Garden.

The mission of the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt is to provide education, inspiration and enjoyment of bonsai to novice visitors and bonsai enthusiasts within a museum of bonsai masterpieces. It is important that we know our mission at the Garden and keep it in mind as we review our progress over the year.


Donation Poster 09-05-14The net revenue from the Mammoth Auction & Sale, our greatest single fundraising event of the year increased by 16% over the previous year thanks to consignment and donations items from you. This increase will help us do an even better job of caring for our collection of bonsai and maintaining our Garden which you helped build. We added sales items, anniversary t-shirts, note cards, membership pins and tape measures that were well received and helped us test market these items for inclusion in our new museum store. Our Treasurer, Andrea Burhoe, has resigned effective at the end of 2015, so we are currently seeking her replacement. She has done a terrific job for many years and will be sorely missed. If you are interested and have a good working knowledge of Excel and QuickBooks, please contact me at .  Continue reading