The Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt now wears the title of Museum. The Garden earns this status as a non-profit organization dedicated to the public display and education of the art of bonsai. We are continuing to certify our museum status to enhance our goals and image in bonsai art. Now supporters, like you, can contribute to strengthening the museum field by participating in a special interest license plate program dedicated to museums. Through Bill AB482, the California Cultural and Historical Endowment will be awarding $3 million in grant awards over the next two years. This program will be sustained after this two-year period if 7,500 special interest license plates are purchased from the State. Already 4,500 plates have been sold with an original drawing of Snoopy on the license plate. But we want to reach the full endowment number of sales by the year’s end. When fully funded, museums in California are able to reap benefit in forms of grants for acquisitions and capital development of their facility. These grants will be distributed through application from the museums following the published guidelines in 2015. This is certainly an opportunity for individuals to enhance their license plate with a Snoopy drawing and contribute to helping museums, such as the Bonsai Garden, to develop faster through matching state funds. The additional charge for personal plates is also tax deductible. Go the site: to see your opportunity to help. This is a win-win situation for you and museums.
Monthly Archives: September 2014
New Volunteer Comment
The following comment is from a new volunteer who has been contributing his artwork to the Bonsai Garden. You will notice his poster about supporting the Garden the next time you visit us. He even created an icon of me that I plan on using here on a regular basis.
Save the Date: Mammoth Auction & Sale
Long before I spent as much time at the Bonsai Garden as I do now, I would always drive up from Monterey to attend the annual Mammoth Auction & Sale. I always found something exciting to purchase at the Sale at a very good price. What I overlooked was the Auction, because I did not want to drive up two days in a row. Little did I know what I was missing? This year I attended the Auction and purchased a very nice mature Monterey Pine, that was being sold by the Garden for far less than I felt it is worth. Great deal for me and for the Garden. If you wish to add to your bonsai or pot collection, you can’t afford to miss the Mammoth. If you wish to reduce your collection, then sell it at the Mammoth. It’s the greatest gathering of bonsai buyers and sellers in Northern California. Continue reading |
Bonsai Gardens Light Up the Autumn Lights Festival
For two nights in October, Lake Merritt, including the Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt (BGLM), will be filled with lanterns, carved and lit gourds, glass bubbles below the surface of the ponds, and electric fireflies in the trees all created by local artists plus a cast of entertainers. The Friends of the Gardens at Lake Merritt (FGLM) will be mounting their annual Autumn Lights Festival on Friday October 17th and Saturday, October 18th from 6pm to 10pm. Continue reading