Mammoth Thank You

The 2015 Mammoth kicked off with a celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the opening of the Bonsai Garden Lake Merritt. What better way to celebrate than to honor the three chairmen who gave so much of themselves to fund, create, and grow the Garden. Those honored were Bill Hashimoto (1989-1994), Seiji Shiba (1995-2008), and Gordon Deeg (2008-2014).MammothChairman0215-cropped

Retired BGLM  Chairmen, Gordon Deeg and Seiji Shiba receive recognition.


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Save the Date: Mammoth Auction & Sale

Our 400-year old Japanese Black Pine made its U.S. debut at the Pan-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco 1915

Our 400-year old Japanese Black Pine made its U.S. debut at the Pan-Pacific Exposition in San Francisco 1915

Long before I spent as much time at the Bonsai Garden as I do now, I would always drive up from Monterey to attend the annual Mammoth Auction & Sale. I always found something exciting to purchase at the Sale at a very good price.

What I overlooked was the Auction, because I did not want to drive up two days in a row. Little did I know what I was missing? This year I attended the Auction and purchased a very nice mature Monterey Pine, that was being sold by the Garden for far less than I felt it is worth. Great deal for me and for the Garden.

If you wish to add to your bonsai or pot collection, you can’t afford to miss the Mammoth. If you wish to reduce your collection, then sell it at the Mammoth. It’s the greatest gathering of bonsai buyers and sellers in Northern California.

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Volunteer Appreciation Day Party

gordon150It’s a very special day that comes around every year! It really is a party to show the genuine appreciation to the many volunteer members who docent and fill many other jobs at the Golden State Bonsai Federation (GSBF) Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt (BGLM), Oakland, California. This year the volunteer appreciation day party was held at the home and garden of Gordon Deeg.The event started around 2 PM, on Saturday, May 3, 2014. As people began showing up they were put to work setting up tables and chairs, table cloths, BBQ grills, and all the accessories associated with a grand old BBQ party. When arriving one could not resist walking around the bonsai garden collection established by Gordon at his home. Some of the guests came directly from the BGLM as they spent the morning hours there volunteering. Continue reading

Posted in Event, Volunteer Appreciation

Upcoming Events

green_LM LogoSQ_rev_150Upcoming Events:

Spring in the Garden
It is already turning into spring time at the garden. Be sure to drop by and see the many trees that are beginning to bloom and form fragil new leaves.

Oakland Farmers Market Table, June 21, 2014
BGLM will have a presence at the Farmers Market to spread the word that we are in Oakland and is a great place to visit regually.